Kvægudstilling på Sommet de l´Elevage 2015 aflyst


Kvægauktionen og kvægudstillingen på den franske udstilling Sommet de l´Elevage 2015 er aflyst på grund af udbrød af Blue Tongue i Frankrig.

Nedenfor ses hele medelsen på engelsk:

Because of the Blue Tongue disease that just reappeared in France and especially in our region, there will be NO CATTLE presentation on our show this year! The decision was taken this morning.
All cattle competitions are canceled as well as the International Livestock evening planned on Wednesday 7 October at 19:00.
However, more than 1,400 exhibitors from all the agricultural / livestock sector will be well represented and nearly 200 sheep and 300 horses.
All our visits to farms are maintained and will even be strengthened. A new program of farm tours even more complete will soon be available on our website.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that such an unprecedented and exceptional situation may result in the organization of your trip next week to the SOMMET DE L’ELEVAGE.


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Dansk Limousine Forening - Agro Food Park 15 - 8200 Århus N - 2944 0495 - CVR: 72778413 - info@dansklimousine.dk