Danish Limousin Association

Here you will find some general informations about
the Limousin Association in Denmark

Danish Limousin Association performs the following tasks

  • The Danish Limousine breeding program
  • Performance testing of breeding bulls
  • Production of semen and sales 
  • Import / export of breeding stock, embryos and semen
  • Breeding advice to members
  • Advice on buying and selling between members
  • Run the scoring program
  • Publish the Danish Limousine magazine
  • Shows and exhibitions
  • Course activities

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Søndagsturen går med båd ud på Lysefjorden. Her kan de eksklusive...
March 21th at Sønderskov Museum, Brørup...
March 30th at Sønderskov Museum, Brørup   Download catalog...
March 24th at Sønderskov Museum, Brørup...

Dansk Limousine Forening - Agro Food Park 15 - 8200 Århus N - 2944 0495 - CVR: 72778413 - info@dansklimousine.dk