Verdenskongres Irland



Click Here for Congress Programme


Early Bird Registration Fees
(valid until 30th September 2015)
Single Room
Double Room 
(per person)
9 Day Programme
(Sat 20th - Sun 28th)
€2,595 €2,150
6 Day Programme
(Tue 23rd - Sun 28th)
€1,995 €1,795
Registration Fee includes accommodation on a B&B basis, all transport including return airport transfers to Dublin airport, all entrance fees, lunches, evening meals at Athenry, Ardlea & Roundhill herd visits, attendance at Opening Ceremony & Banquet, National Limousin Show, ILC Elite Sale, Closing Ceremony & Banquet & tour guide throughout.
Flights are not included in Registration Fee.


Click Here to Register



Lørdag d. 22. marts afholder Dansk Limousine avlsdyrauktion - Den...
Næste bestilling af importsæd er 5. marts, hvor sæden er klar t...
LOPPEMARKED PÅ AUKTION D. 22/3  Det er fortsat muligt at booke...
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Områdemøde, besætningsbesøg og konsulent fra VKST Søndag d. 9 ...

Dansk Limousine Forening - Agro Food Park 15 - 8200 Århus N - 2944 0495 - CVR: 72778413 -